
“Those who can, do.
Those who can’t, teach.”
is used usually at the end of a speech
in that tone of sneering smugness
reserved for lies
that have been repeated so many times
they have earned a patina of wisdom
to the unassuming eye.

The purpose of teaching is not to instruct.
It’s about introductions and opening up
a mind to possibilities.
Then gifting the tools
 to make the best of these.

The folk that sneer don’t hear about the stories of success

that come when students overcome feelings of powerlessness.


  1. Well said! The gift from a good teacher is timeless and empowering. The quiet satisfaction of a teaching job well done is life affirming.

  2. How wonderfully true. Thank you for sharing this with us and remembering that I would treasure a poem such as this. :)

    And on this note as it is relevant I shall tag you in today's post. I hope that curve ball or not, you have come out winning.
