Showing posts with label goblin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goblin. Show all posts

The Company (Part 1)

Once there was a company
that traded magic beans.
It co-opted people’s tragedies,
it monetarised their dreams.

Selling wishes granted,
with side conditions attached.
Agents of The Company
were everywhere dispatched.

Wielding shiny printed pamphlets
and wearing brittle little smiles.
They promised the world for a simple exchange-
just to keep your record on file.

The People were pleased with such offers of service.
The Agents worked ideas to bone.
Then came news their Benevolent Dictator
had given up his throne.

The Troll King, his replacement, quickly set about
installing Goblin minions and rationing magic given out.

To the enormous surprise of no one,
things began falling apart.
Without enough magic
wishes were only fulfilled in fits and starts.

The People began to get angry
and The Agents began to get scared
because when they asked for helpful smiles
they were rewarded with barbed teeth, bared.

Heady Goblin Henchmen
began to run amok
as The Agents fell into a state
of ongoing traumatic shock.


There is no happy ending here,
for the story is not yet done.
Be sure to check back in a little while

and find out how they’re all getting on...