Showing posts with label empireofwhimsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label empireofwhimsy. Show all posts


We all have to make them.
Which drink to drink.
Which thought to think.
Is this rock bottom
Or nirvana's brink?
Here’s a hint:
                     It's in your hands.
And yet our plans never seem to pan
Cause we schedule our schemes without talking.
We’re riffing without harmony and walking
When we should be dancing
And asking:
“What do you wanna do?”
I know you get frustrated
When you’re waiting and I’m saying
“I’m not sure, it’s so hard to decide”
But we’re drowning in a sea
Of unnecessarily delineated similarities
Dubious differences,
Invisible to the naked eye.
As wide as a sigh
With the full spectrum of importance
From turquoise
To teal.
Until you don’t know what to feel
‘Cause they’re stealing your freedoms.
Do you want gold or silver bars on your cage?

We all have to make them.
Which turn to turn.
Which bridge to burn
Which path to choose.
Who’s respect to earn.
Here’s a hint:
                                It’s your own.
And when you’re thrown from your throne
That you built with blood and bones
Then you’ll have to knot your rope
And start climbing.
Hand over blistering hand.
The shifting sands of others’ expectations
And your own anchor preoccupations
Determine at which strata you plateau.
And although the decisions you make
May be different from his, or hers, or mine
Remember they’re yours,
But they do not define

We all have to make them.
Which battle to battle,
Which river to rattle,
Which knowledge to keep
Are we mind or matter?
Here’s a hint:
And when you try to look past
All the inconsequential shite
Of a world more commercial than pure
Be assured
You will see the ones who choose
Substance abuse over substance
You will see the ones who choose
Long term betrayal over temporary tears
And you will say
“They’ve made the wrong decision”
As if it were your undeniable right to judge them
And begrudge instead of empathise
Instead of recognizing
That the preferences of others are not your responsibility
And your own susceptibility to deference
To a power you perceive to be greater than your own
Is deceiving.
It’s another way to opt out of believing
In yourself
And your ability

To choose.

Wither Strength

These memory-threads, they've seen it all.
With sheer relief I watch them fall.
These tresses teased, consuming time
Created an image that was not mine.
Felt myself wither with the plait of each curl
Replaced with conservatories, patios,pearls.
Lachrymose points of fossilized light
Now passive aggressive and weak in a fight.
Almost as if my spirit was there,
Split at the ends and bleached and threadbare.
Menfolk seem saddened, “I preferred it before”
-          Historically, long and loose signified whore.
We have now the Vogue bob, the post-divorce crop
Meaning strong and professional. It’s a visual full stop.
Which brings me to Samson. I read with fresh eyes
The rewritten truth behind legendary lies.
It could never be seen that Delilah had strength
Or that it diminished as her hair grew in length.
She is painted as harlot, as betrayer, as thief
For disabling a terrorist who fought with mules teeth.
He destroyed a temple, killed thousands of men
But Delilah’s the villain? Pah! Think again.
His weakness for women she clearly exploited,
Earned his trust, passed her time and feigned her enjoyment
Over time introducing new tastes to his diet,
Soya, mint, coriander; she urged him, “Just try it.”
These anaphrodisiacs soon did the trick
And he gaped in dismay at his treacherous dick
As limply it hung there, refusing to play.
Delilah masked joy, knew the wrong words to say;
“What’s wrong with you Sammy? Are you not a man?
I've seen palm dates bigger. You’re reputation’s a sham”
And cruelly she laughed to drive the cut deeper
And insert in his subconscious brain a long sleeper.
Watching him crumble as once more she spoke:
“Your technique is shoddy and your cum face a joke”.
Her mission completed, her own head threads shorn,
Disguised as a man she escaped with the dawn.
To protect his secret and bury his shame
He shaved his own head and passed her the blame.
As excuses for impotence (don’t come) but go
This one is dramatic; distracting; for show.
And sad it is too, that his gore-fest career
Was ended through self-induced rumour mill fear
And not, as you thought, by his shiny bald pate.
Perhaps now a few more of you can relate
To a parable apropos basing your ego
On something as fragile as hair or libido.
And now you should know what’s important instead

Is the beauty and joy that’s found inside your head.

Lena; Jezebel; Amanda; Mail

The mass debates that circulate
On beauty, form and fuzz
Revolve, it seems, on lost esteem
And a bitchy, mean-girl buzz.
Too thin, too fat, too white, too black,
Too natural, too damn plastic.
Comments typed by trolls and beasts
Are cutting and sarcastic.
Don't know 'bout you, but I'm all appalled out.
The drama's made me weary.
There are too many things to scream about
And too few that make me cheery.
A body's a body's a body's a body.
Don't dictate forms and means.
A choice is a choice is a choice is a choice.
Mind your own behind the scenes.
Each of us have our own tastes.
It makes the world amazing.
And beauty is subjective
So stop the rants. Go raving.
Open your eyes, your mind and your heart
Let some fresh delight in.
You'll never know what you could be
Without the shameful spiting.
You get back what you give times three.
That much I know is true.
So give out love. It multiplies
And comes right on back to you.

Rum Goings On

Once upon a rum soaked night
The boy with scars external
Met the girl with scars internal.
Her asbestos heart was set alight.
The scars began to fade.

They shared a quiet privacy
Public personas shed like skins
Intimate darkness lets light begin
A moment stolen in the dawn
Her tarnished soul was saved.

The first in years to know her past.
Midnight black and blue regrets
With all the memories he forgets
The die of loss is long since cast.
With sorrow this road's paved.

Once upon some rum soaked laughter
The girl with scars internal
loved the boy with scars external.
They shared a happy ever after
Brief but pure and sweetly grave.

Malcontented Walrus Man

Somehow he oozes free
from a car designed for a being
a fraction of his mass.
Ego-swollen, he appears to have made
an inescapable life jacket of his self importance.
His tiny, malice-filled head and disproportionately scrawny neck
are the knot on his body's balloon.
He patronises women
while imagining them naked.
Leering at their turned backs.
Sycophantic to their faces.
Bullying and deceitful
he counts tears and anguish as conquests.
I wonder, will he ever taste his own medicine?
Chaos and finger-pointing, gossip and harrasssment.
He does not deserve compassion.

18th Century Man

He is jarring against
the concrete, high street, 60% viscose, quick fix, app twisted backdrop.
He swims into focus-
rough hands, soft eyes, timeless face.
Canvas trousers and half tucked shirt.
Kindly, undistracted, universally caring.
His portal is behind an unremarkable, once well painted, brown gate.
I wonder if he notices when he emerges into this era?
He doesn't seem to.
I wonder is it a portal of the body or the mind?
His bicycle and mother are well tended.
His auburn thatch is not.
Without a single note of irony,
he whistles.

I wonder.
Is it a portal of the body or the mind?