Showing posts with label define. Show all posts
Showing posts with label define. Show all posts

Superpowers 101

Definitions of self are elusive at best,
Perceptions formed through actions
or reactions
or inactions
that surprise.
The lies we perceive
others tell to deceive
us are just
versions of verisimilitude unverifiable
by outside sources but
of course, we get all uppity, huffing,
“Just who does he/she think they are,
you can’t pull the wool down quite that far,
I’m not as green as I am cabbage looking!”
Putting ourselves on some pedestal,
as if our version is more credible
because that was our experience, so it must be right.

Descartes said: “I think therefore I am”
Expanding this, I plan
to define my existence through my opinions.
But what of utter indifference?

If we define ourselves through preferences
we have handy little references
to remind us of who we think we are.
Like, a car; a phone; a polyphonic ring tone – ironically.
And maybe, just maybe the Old Ones knew
of the selfie-and cctv-sodden future, too.

The act of watching a thing changes the thing being watched.
That’s a law of physics, that- I didn’t make it up.
But the point is, introspection, narcissism and the rest
of the behaviors oft’encouraged by the media of the West –
Are they changing us?
Thrusting flashes in faces starts
 a chain reaction
on a microbial scale.
Colloquially named
Quantum Manipulation
it has a solemn application
in your everyday details.
But the question we want answered
is “can this power be harnessed
so we might direct our dances
and our version might prevail?”

With glee, it falls to me to be your Miyagi-San.
You can, and will master this.
The power’s in your hands.
All you need to do is believe what you perceive,
but to be aware and selective about your perceptions.
I don’t mean kidding yourself, this has to be done with conviction.

If faith can move mountains, against microbes you’ve surely a lever?
After all, what do you call a God without a believer?
Perceptions of self and the resulting definitions
are malleable at will. This has far reaching repercussions.
For if “Mans’ greatness comes from knowing he is wretched”

surely we can know we are wonderful, instead?

With great joy I brought to mind my philosophy tutor at University. I hope he is wonderfully well. Sadly, we've lost touch. Paul, if you read this, Hey! Xxxx