Showing posts with label hurt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hurt. Show all posts

Winter Solstice

History's hurts burst gracelessly and blur
the polished edges of responses
sponsored by maturity.
Blurting half-burped mutterings of
defensive small-talk offerings
in place of confident honesty.
The maw of malicious memories yawns
and looses vapours venomous,
vines around voice until it leaves a croak.
Crone-dry and bladder-wracked,
hoarse retorts crack
thoughtless reports across the
hectares of unspoken battles fought.

Token offerings to false idols prove the dedication to deceit.
Conceit conceals tears long since congealed
into crevasses carved by rictus grin.
Spinning stories cobweb thin
from which a larder fully stocked with
melancholy memories of mockeries suspends,
an endless supply of abuse.

Cogitations crank and the wheel, it turns.
Burn the lights on the longest night,
for tonight we learn and sacrifice
a sorrow
in exchange for wisdom.
Flames devour, smoke billows,
sour tongue converted to
icing sugar ash,
cinnamon cynicism
and not-in-my-name nutmeg.

Feast upon your fears and you will never feel them again.

Chance Encounter

She came in breathless, restless, shaking
looking for something calming to take in
light of the heartless news he’d broken.
Miles from home and hard words spoken.

A cliché he’d taken, younger of course.
Probably blonde, probably divorced.
He wants to have and eat his cake.
To her, this is the island of heartbreak.

When we saw her she was in shock but soon she will be livid.
The bastard before he’d told her, had already spoken to the kids.

What can you say to a woman’s shell?

except; you have to keep walking when going through hell.


You looked at me and the love in your eyes faded
And I realized it was this I was most afraid of.
The swapping of fluids is only an act,
A bodily function, a pastime in fact but,
Seeing you look at someone else like that –
This is what heartbreak is made of.

You looked at me and the love in your eyes faded.
It was a look until then I hadn’t noticed was missing.
I saw it the day our son was born,
Before we were married each and every morning
But yesterday I would blindly have sworn
That sparkle was there, betraying your feelings, glistening.

You looked at me and the love in your eyes faded
As if someone had put a night-cover over the sun.
At that moment I felt myself partly disintegrate
Pulverized by a blow indelicately dealt
It jarred and its impact still reverberates
Was it too late to go back to where we had begun?

You looked at me and the love in your eyes faded
As if it were I extinguishing your flame.
I would never have thought
A glance could import such
Weight of a lesson well taught
But this is the time to rebuild and not place blame.

You looked at me and the love in your eyes faded.
And I saw it had been for experience traded
The trust between us had degraded
By poverty broken, jealousy jaded
Both hard headed, couldn’t be persuaded
That through the worst we had already waded.
We spoke and we realized we’d already made it.

We looked at each other and the rest of the world


2014 was a tough year. Not just for me, but for everyone around me. This year I learned the importance of good communication. 
Ironically, that's all I want to say about that.