Showing posts with label parable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parable. Show all posts

Wither Strength

These memory-threads, they've seen it all.
With sheer relief I watch them fall.
These tresses teased, consuming time
Created an image that was not mine.
Felt myself wither with the plait of each curl
Replaced with conservatories, patios,pearls.
Lachrymose points of fossilized light
Now passive aggressive and weak in a fight.
Almost as if my spirit was there,
Split at the ends and bleached and threadbare.
Menfolk seem saddened, “I preferred it before”
-          Historically, long and loose signified whore.
We have now the Vogue bob, the post-divorce crop
Meaning strong and professional. It’s a visual full stop.
Which brings me to Samson. I read with fresh eyes
The rewritten truth behind legendary lies.
It could never be seen that Delilah had strength
Or that it diminished as her hair grew in length.
She is painted as harlot, as betrayer, as thief
For disabling a terrorist who fought with mules teeth.
He destroyed a temple, killed thousands of men
But Delilah’s the villain? Pah! Think again.
His weakness for women she clearly exploited,
Earned his trust, passed her time and feigned her enjoyment
Over time introducing new tastes to his diet,
Soya, mint, coriander; she urged him, “Just try it.”
These anaphrodisiacs soon did the trick
And he gaped in dismay at his treacherous dick
As limply it hung there, refusing to play.
Delilah masked joy, knew the wrong words to say;
“What’s wrong with you Sammy? Are you not a man?
I've seen palm dates bigger. You’re reputation’s a sham”
And cruelly she laughed to drive the cut deeper
And insert in his subconscious brain a long sleeper.
Watching him crumble as once more she spoke:
“Your technique is shoddy and your cum face a joke”.
Her mission completed, her own head threads shorn,
Disguised as a man she escaped with the dawn.
To protect his secret and bury his shame
He shaved his own head and passed her the blame.
As excuses for impotence (don’t come) but go
This one is dramatic; distracting; for show.
And sad it is too, that his gore-fest career
Was ended through self-induced rumour mill fear
And not, as you thought, by his shiny bald pate.
Perhaps now a few more of you can relate
To a parable apropos basing your ego
On something as fragile as hair or libido.
And now you should know what’s important instead

Is the beauty and joy that’s found inside your head.