Showing posts with label battle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label battle. Show all posts

May Queen

 And so we come to the end of the dread days.

May brings blossoms and sometimes rain.

The Cailagh cackles. Her twigs are crackling

in her hearth, dry and needless of restocking.

Endless ticks and tockings as the days hurry past.

The Sun seems anxious to grow, anxious to set,

but her days of maturity aren't even halfway over yet. 

Bring fire and spin this wheel’s turn.

Wish away the memories of winter.

Let her savage kisses burn

and cover me with sacred blisters.

Here We Go Again

 And so here we go again,

Pitting flesh swollen with unshed tears.

You'd think after all these years we'd know

The earlier signs, the first parts to show

The strains. 

But no.

 Our ignorance remains

And where once there was shame

There is pride in the same.

I'm aware in the greater timeline

That this is merely a detour.

That everything anyone has ever fought and died for

Is just footnotes in the fossils.

Can you conceive it to be possible

That all your actions, however ignoble 

Don't mean anything?

Not really.

And we take everything so seriously 

Losing lifetimes to violent fantasy of justice 

But it's just this 

 bloodied blindfolds and broken bliss

Chasing leverets of honour through

Corn fields riddled with mines

And sometimes I think it's all worth it.

As once razed we could rebuild it perfect

And we'd know that we truly deserve it

Because we had suffered to earn it