Showing posts with label child. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child. Show all posts

Yule Be Back

A portal opened in my lounge
sometime in mid-November.
A velvet wrinkle overlapped and
time’s quilt was oddly angled.
Up went the tree!
Up went the lights!
The glorious windows
dressed in party clothes.
Stair rods and banisters
festoons and fragrances
that speak of feasts and warming spices.
Inviting glows and cosy stories
by torchlight.

conker battles finalise into
en of season skirmishes.
Guys succumbed to elemental distress
and the stench of rotting pumpkin corpses
rang from the town in
jubilant and guttural rowdy shouts
as cold breath caught in
over confident throats.

As a penalty for this
badly ironed chronological coverlet
a fine was set
and the time was taken back.

With bated breath in stasis
the presents waited.
The house waited.

In the missing time a place was found for everything
and having no time to dally in,
everything went to its place.
Reset for rambunctious rabble’s return.
For music and pictures and stories and tea.
For dinosaurs and Harryhausen, Nick Cave and walks by the sea.

Longing for the normal passage of time.
Smooth, wrinkle.

The house waits.

Dear World

Look, we need to have a chat.
I’m getting a bit fed up
with dealing with the fall out
of your drama.
And it’s not only that,
my son keeps waking up
crying, calling my name out.

I’m trying to teach him about karma.

You see, he’s noticed (as have I)
that the bad guys keep winning.
Every time I leave the house
without him he cries.
I don’t want to raise a fearful child.
and his awareness is just beginning
but with news of more killings day in, day out
he’s convinced I’m going to die.

Not helped when I say
“Well, one day, I will”
through desire to tell him the truth.
So he says “But not today?”
And I’m swept over ill
tempting fate to give me liar’s proof.

So look, World I’m asking
you to buck your ideas up.
I love to share in positives
and I’m sick of masking
cracked ideals in cover ups.
Show them you get back what you give.


Georgia. Xxxx

"At the second stroke the time sponsored by experience will be..."

The passage of time has never been stranger than now.
Objectively, I know that we still orbit the same mass of energy.
We still rise in the same light, live in the same dark
and watch the trees metronomic renaissance every Spring.
But the last few have trumpeted past as elephant-mice.
Events eclipsing the passage of time like never before.

And before...

There was a time that to you, every day before this one was yesterday.
There was a time when all days that follow today were tomorrow.
Then came the signifiers: "One tomorrow"; "Our yesterdays".
Now greatly extended we say "The Olden Days" and "Dinosaur Time"
and "50 hundred million years in the future!"
But the one that broke my heart was this:

"We saw Amalie and Isla there and Amalie had broken her dress on one of these" [wrought iron gate post]

"Oh, did you see them? When?"

"Before. When **** could still walk"

This was inspired by my son and a poem by my sister. She blogs over at on all sort of things and has just had one of her short stories accepted by a very exciting magazine. That's her story, though. I'll let her tell it.

You know I love you, right?


Long sleeves. Long legs.
These lines are too telling.
I wish I could explain
how this pain helps that pain.
But language is limited.

Christmas 2002

Once there were three:
The magic number-
3 witches; 3 wishes; 3 wise men.
Maiden runs away; goes to see a crone.
The witch of the East
My, my - how she's grown.
They smile and compare notes
but will scars tell the whole story?

Then there were four.
Ugly; clunky; boxed.
4 sides. 4 corners. 4 angles.
Parallels everywhere.

There are no witches in mathematics.
Only mother's apples pi.

Baby Weight

If love is love as love should be,
then why does it enslave, not free?
Love is a power - nay, a force
that rivals all but gravity
and as said best by Spiderman:
"Power is responsibility".

You, the product of our love;
that spiralling arcing meteor.
Those fireworks, rockets, sleepless nights
that bred into a lifetime more.
And slavery was none more false
for waged I am by your sweet smile;
to relive that first one again
I'd crawl on cliche a million miles.
The perfume of your morning hair
outweighs the months of colicked hell.
To watch you grow and learn and love
I'd give again my childless self.

The birth of you one snowy day
shackled me with steely bonds.
But witnessing your joyful play
is all the freedom I could want.